It's time to curse a little. A lot can be said about the new year 2025, and one of them is that the weather has not been or is not optimal for outdoor activities such as knife throwing. A basic requirement is that the boards are not frozen through. Strong wind or a little drizzle can be handled, but if the moisture in the wood turns to ice, it doesn't matter how hard you throw or how sharp the knife is. It still bounces! Under those conditions, it's impossible to practice.
Yes, I know it's winter and that as a Swede you are expected to put up with this shit but look I don't have that at all! Instead, I am impatient, unreasonably angry at Mother Nature, and frustrated over something I can't control at all. That is, everything you shouldn't be. What do they say in English? "Cool, calm, and collected," I think.
"Big NoReload" |
In the meantime, I dream of a time when I can start using this creation again. It is a knife called
Big NoReload from the French
Zitoon Knives. It and other knives can be added. The arsenal has grown recently and includes not least more contributions from the same manufacturer.
Part of my impatience is based on the fact that I can see from various posts on the Internet that others have already started training for the big event of early summer, the UKAT World Championship in knife throwing in the Czech Republic. At the same time, I barely feel like opening the front door to take out the garbage, and it's definitely impossible to carry through a two-hour session at the throwing range.
Instead, I have to sit inside and write about knife throwing. It is a bit like the famous Swedish actor Lindstedt said "/../ drawing a ham sandwich when you are hungry".
/ J - winter-frustrated#knivesandbikes #knivigtvarre
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