Reviews and other content in English

I get a lot of questions on my Instagram account regarding my thoughts on specific topics, knife brands, models, and stuff like that. And of course, I have something to say about most of the knives and pictures I post. I'm a blogger after all. But most of what I write is in Swedish and that poses a slight problem to most of the inhabitants of planet Earth.

Some have even gone through the trouble of using Google translate to overcome this obstacle and we all know how that can end up. My idea is to facilitate reading by trying to write in English and publish it here. 

A New Year has arrived!

Some have also found this Blog via Google image search and the like. 

Anyway, you are all most welcome! 

Latest Arrivals:

- Zitoon Knives Le Rafale
- Shieldon Scythe XL
- Ferramonster Glideman
- QSP Ripley Glyde Lock
- Two Sun TS467
- Two Sun TS434
- Zitoon Knives The Primitive Rotational
- Lionsteel Skinny
- Throwingzone Pathfinder
- Artisan Cutlery Holm
- CJRB Bowie Pyrite
- Acejet Achilles Vintage Shadow Steel
- Karesuandokniven Bäver 10
- Shieldon Empoleon
- Kershaw Inception
- Shieldon Bulbasaur
- Muela Classic Bowie Stag
- Viper Orso 2
- Cold Steel Counter Point I- Cold Steel Mini Leatherneck
- QSP Vault
- MKM Makro 2
- Sencut Borzam
- MKM Maximo
- SRM 168L
- QSP Variant PE
- SRM 401L
- Brisa PK70FX- CJRB Hectare
- CJRB Prado
- Al Mar Quicksteel 40
- Al Mar SERE Operator 40
- Al Mar SERE T36
- Al Mar B-21
- Al Mar Payara
- SRM 258L
- Artisan Cutlery Satyr
- Karesuandokniven Pältsa- QSP Mulan Series
- Sencut Glidestrike
- Condor TK Terrachete
- Civivi Vision FG
- ANV Knives M25 
- QSP Walrus
- QSP Capybara
- QSP Canary Folder
- Zitoon Knives Commemorative Dagger
- Yggdrasil Shard XL
- Zitoon Knives The Devil's Claw
- SRM 255- Civivi Qubit
- Sencut Serene 
QSP Hornbill 
- QSP Kestrel
- QSP Swordfish
- Lionsteel L.E. One
- Cuda Brand - Fishing Knives
- Civivi Sokoke- MKM Root
- CRKT Bamboozled
- QSP Osprey- Yggdrasil Forge Lavaeteinn
- Satake Kuro Mori
- Yggdrasil Forge Ullr XL
Yggdrasil Forge Muninn XL
- Civivi Mini Praxis
- MKM Goccia- MKM Timavo
- MKM Isonzo
- Zitoon Knives Spinner
AceJet Appache (Sic!)


(In chronological order, the newest at the top)

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