torsdag 29 augusti 2024

New Knife - Shieldon Bulbasaur

This is not just a new knife for me, but a new brand. Shieldon , as they are called, is not a company I have come across before, which piqued my interest. Especially as this knife called Bulbasaur comes with a quite interesting blade shape. One that looks like a large leaf, and is recognizable from Chinese Shilin cutters. A shape I generally appreciate. That is a very good starting point.

I was also curious as to whether the other manufacturing details were up to par. As I said, it was a first for me and there are many pitfalls for companies to fall into when they venture into the knife business. 

But this is where I suspect the experience as an OEM manufacturer shines through. I don't know at the time of writing who Shieldon made knives for but there is more know-how here than is normal for a new brand I soon noted. There are a lot of small things done right.

Shieldon Bulbasaur

It can be said straight away that I was very pleasantly surprised. Especially as if all the necessities are in place. The first impression is that the knife feels comfortable in the hand, that the balance is good and the eye-catching blade is well-sharpened. Then, as I said, I like the overall lines.

In addition, several positive details are found such as a weighed relieved steel frame that is also nicely rounded and without sharp edges, a three-dimensional shaped two-color handle in polished G10, and a blade made of well-chosen 14C28N. To this can be added an effective flipper fin and an apparently very good and also strong liner lock. The feel of the lock is confidence-inspiring with no play initially.

Shieldon, ett för mig nytt märke

It should be pointed out that it is a fairly substantial knife as the blade measures a full 93 mm and the total length of the knife is almost twenty-two centimeters, 218 mm. But it really fills the hand and if you don't want to carry it in a pocket, a sheath is also included, which I suspect I won't use.

The only thing I might have an objection to is the name. At first, I thought that Bulbasaur was some unknown species of dinosaur. Unfortunately, a quick google revealed that it's the name of a damn Pokemon. But that explains the green color of the handle I suspect. Then I suddenly felt old, it was something I didn't know. But you always learn something.

But all in all, this is an interesting knife that I will return to in different ways, not least in an upcoming review. For some reason, I feel that this was not the last knife from this company. The first contact was a pleasant one!

Shieldon Knives

/ J - looking for Pokémons

#knivesandbikes #knivigtvarre

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