torsdag 15 augusti 2024

New Knife - Muela Classic Bowie

It felt like the time was now! For what? For me to get a real Bowie if the expression is allowed. Both the origin and exactly what the original knife of that model looked like are not completely clear. In addition, it must be taken into account that large hunting knives with that type of look appeared in several parts of the world before the name became relevant.

But there is no doubt that this is a quintessential Bowie. But then the name of this knife is  Bowie Classic Stag, which obliges. The brand is Muela and is from Spain. They have proud traditions when it comes to this type of knife.

In any case, a true representative of the knife type was missing from my collection. Sure, I have knives with distinct clip-point blades that pull in the same direction but none as pure as this one.

Muela Classic Bowie Stag

What makes it classic is, besides the distinctive look, that it has all the right materials. It is a full tang knife where the carbon steel of earlier times has certainly been abandoned in favor of some form of stainless vanadium steel. Unfortunately, Spanish companies are not as good as, for example, their Italian counterparts when it comes to disclosing what their knives are made of.

In addition to that, stag is found in the handle, brass in the guard, and of course leather in the sheath. Just as it should be. Although wood in the handle is just as "right".

A knife with nice proportions in well-chosen materials, a classic as the name suggests

This knife comes in three sizes, this is the middle one. This means a blade of sixteen centimeters and a total length of 27.5 centimeters. Not huge as you can see. But with particularly well-chosen proportions. That's why I think it's so beautiful.

This particular Muela Classic 16A comes from Knivshop and will be tested in the future for a more detailed description.

Muela Knives

/ J - was looking for a classic

#knivesandbikes #knivigtvarre

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