lördag 7 maj 2022

The first Year

 - a summary of the knife-throwing this far

This was not just any year, it was the year I resumed my childhood interest. Or perhaps more correctly, a youth activity. If it is possible to say so without it sounding like you're a criminal. But damned, I am excused partly growing up in the woods and in a time without computers and the internet. You had to do something. My best friend and I threw a lot of knives, cycled, played table tennis, devoted ourselves to freediving, and did some camping, among other things.

There, at the other end of this dirt road, you find my youth, or at least where I grew up

Then we quickly jump more than thirty years into the future and suddenly the term for the day, and not just for the day, unfortunately, was "pandemic". The social distancing attracted a lot of dormant interest among the citizens not only in our elongated country but in the world, I understand. In my case, it was a knife-throwing that was dusted off and taken out of hiding. An activity that quickly transformed from a childhood interest via pandemic hobby to the semi-fanaticism it can be compared to today.

Now it so happens that it has been about a year since that metamorphosis occurred and I started training. The first entry in the Excel sheets that make up my training diary is dated April 21st in the year of grace 2021. Therefore, this summary extends from that date to the twenty-first of April this year.

It started modestly with a set of Spyderco Spyder Thrower Ls and an old United Cutlery that was soon supplemented with a set of Hibben Classic. Not because I thought they were an upgrade but because they looked good for a small garden. This was followed by an experiment with Max Knives followed by Cold Steel and Condor.

I thus intended to celebrate this anniversary by presenting the "throwing year" that has passed in numbers.

A rough overview indicates that I have thrown

  • 479 hours, divided into
  • 232 training sessions, which resulted in
  • 204 700 throws

That's about 40 hours and 17,000 throws per month to put it in perspective.

What is practiced is ... everything! In terms of technique, it is mainly rotational throwing that has been prioritized as it was completely new to me a year ago. In my youth, I used half-rotation techniques such as Military half-spin and Military half-spin underhand. I simply did not know anything else. The few times I tried rotational throwing, the knife went off like a propeller and if it hit with the tip first, it was pure luck. There was no one who could inform me about how it should be done. That distance and comprehension were decisive in the context.

Of course, half-rotation throws remain in the repertoire even if they no longer dominate. But at short distances of three to four meters, they are still very instinctive for me. 

In addition to the two basic techniques, No Spin has been added, of course. Then Instinctive half-spin is also thrown, which is a variant of the half-rotation technique with a different grip. These three basic techniques are then practiced at several different distances and also with the backhand. Very rarely with the non-dominant hand, left, so far even if it happens from time to time. It may be the next area of development.

In principle, it can be said that this is then used for three main variants of throwing. It is mainly about learning to stick the knives in general with some consistency with the different techniques. Then time is devoted to precision throwing in various forms where the competition form on the distances 3 and 5 m gets the most time. Another form of competition to which time is devoted is "Walk Back", ie where you throw from different distances from three to seven meters.*

In addition, I spend some time at two more competition disciplines. That is "Speed throwing" where you throw as fast as possible directly from the sheath and long-distance throwing. The latter is mostly a no-spin discipline for me. 

After that, the situation escalated and this is the arsenal today. In addition to the previously mentioned brands, it also includes knives from AceJet, Biting Metal, Graf Knives, WL Custom Blade and Wulflund

These efforts have so far resulted in, among other things, the following results:

  • Highest score in Walk back, rotational: 215 p
  • Highest score in Walk back, No spin: 173 p
  • Best result in precision, rotation 3 m: 103 p (touched three times with two different knife models)
  • Best result in precision, No spin 3 m: 90 p
  • Longest throw, No spin: 9,82 m
  • Number of throws of varying type and length in a row with stick: 346 throws
  • Number of Bullseye in a row from 3 m: 23

No extreme results by any means but I keep on practicing. After all, it's my first year!

Already after a couple of months of throwing, I competed in the Swedish Championships 2021, which resulted in two silver medals. In front of me was, for example, the eminent Marcus Pehart, who is one of the biggest sports throwers in Sweden. For me, VERY surprising medals were won in No Spin 3 m and in Walk Back rotational. Of course, the success was partly due to those who had the opportunity or rather not had the opportunity to attend. But on the other hand, it is in the nature of competitions no matter what sport. If you are not there, you can not perform.

I'm not sure that things will go better in terms of placement in this year's championships 2022, which will take place in Nynäshamn if everything goes according to plan. But one thing I do know is that my level is significantly much higher than last time. It should ensure better results even if daily form and not least nerves are of crucial importance in precision sports.

Now it's just training. Throws pile up, hours are added to hours and suddenly a bank of experience has been built up. Meanwhile, I have tons of fun!

/ J - half-obsessed

* According to the formula, three knives against three different targets at the distances - of 3,4,5,6 and 7 m, constitutes a round. It is then repeated four times. In total, there will be 60 throws and the maximum number of points that can be obtained is thus 300.

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