It was with great anticipation that I unpacked these knives. They have been long-awaited, you know! Scalpel as the model is called are handmade so they take some time to get and in the meantime, you (read "I") have time to grow impatient.
There are several reasons for my high expectations. I already have very good experiences with knives from and the man behind that company, Guillaume Henry. The first model I tested that was designed and manufactured by him was the Bug Osetr TZ which was released under the name Biting Metal* and I really like them. But I also have a set of Patriot Dagger från WL Custom Blade that are not only sold by Throwingzone but also made by them. They are also really good knives!
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Throwingzone Scalpel |
The Scalpels are made of 6 mm Swedish Hardox steel |
/ J
* Biting Metal is a pun that alludes to throwing knives and Henry's Youtube channel where he calls himself Abeille Métallique or the metal bee.
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