torsdag 4 januari 2024

"Throw Back"


 - knife throwing in retrospect

We have arrived at the time of the New Year columns. At least the beginning of the short but intense season for that phenomenon. Now you are expected to sum up the past year, preferably in the form of some New Year's candy with funny elements. Such occurs in most contexts in all media. I don't know if it's the right form for me. But maybe it's a good idea anyway?

We'll try, first, let's get a short overview of the "knife-throwing year of 2023"

Next year's competition knives for rotational, Spinning Butcher from WL Custom Blade and Throwingzone

The year that passed didn't quite go as planned. In general, it can be said that there was a little less throwing and a little more spread in terms of results than what was planned.

This year's efforts in numbers

With the same presentation as last year, it can be stated that my third year as a practicing knife thrower offered:
  • 326 hours, divided into
  • 94 sessions, which resulted in 
  • 128026 throws

Now, of course, the numbers are not quite exact. Rather, some throws can be added here and there. Spontaneous trips in the forest are not included, for example. It's not so bad that I keep track of exactly every throw. But I do count during all practice sessions. Or rather, I keep a training diary. I happen to think it's interesting.

Otherwise, it can be stated that there are about 25,000 fewer throws and 63 hours less compared to 2022. It depends on both weather and time. Above all, the result is distributed over significantly fewer sessions. In addition, they are divided into trips to my throwing range and forest walks that include knife throwing. There are 62 training sessions and 32 more "free throwing" in the woods. This should be compared with 161 training sessions in 2022.

Most likely the set that will be used in the next season when it comes to No Spin. The Devil's Claw from Zitoon Knives.

In terms of personal bests of various kinds, not much has happened. I want to be clear that the numbers are training results and not competition results. They tend to differ quite significantly. A phenomenon that everyone who has competed is familiar with.

  • Walk back (3-7m), rotational is still 258 p
  • Walk back (3-7m), No Spin hasn't increased either but stays at 219 p

Points, Rotational Throwing:
- 3 m: 104 p, not yet a 100% hit
- 5 m: 99 p, same as before
- 7 m: 80 p, here, too, the maximum result is unchanged

Points, No spin:
- 3 m: 96 p
- 5 m: 86 p
- 7 m: 70 p

Longest throw, rotational: 13.40 m.
Longest throw, No spin: 10.38 m

The longest throws in the rotational discipline have improved by a couple of meters from last year but are still nothing to write home about. If something is going to be written in that context, around 20 m or so is needed. My results are certainly not competitive. No spin I haven't had the opportunity to improve at all. Rather, I was worse at the longer distances this year. A lot because I've not been able to practice that type of throwing due to injuries and major problems with the target material. The targets were simply too hard to stick a knife in from longer distances no spin. A simple but brutal fact.


In addition to training, there have also been competitions. However since I couldn't afford to go to France for this year's UKAT WC, there were two events that I participated in. It was this year's Swedish championships and Soulthrower Open. A very sympathetic gathering I must say!

Winner, No Spin Walk Back Soulthrower Open 2023

In terms of results, I ended up slipping down one place in the SC hierarchy in rotational throwing and became a bronze medalist in Walk Back. However, I kept my place as number one in No Spin and can therefore still call myself the Swedish champion in the discipline. In addition, I took some plaques in games with the same technique. Something tells me that more will be required if that position is to be maintained next year as well. I managed to achieve the same lucky placement in No Spin in the Soulthrower Open. That time in international competition. Something I'm more than happy with. It was surprising, to say the least. 

The Throwing Year 2024

It remains to be seen how it will play out. My powers of clairvoyance are very limited, I have noted. However, the first thing that happens next season is the online competition "Aim Games K20" which starts in January and lasts for three months. Fortunately, it may well be added that I don't have the opportunity to throw indoors and thus am completely dependent on the weather. Snow and too much cold cause problems and mean zero knife-throwing for me. In addition, I have to get hold of suitable material for a competition target. So my eventual participation and results are not solely dependent on my own performance but are heavily influenced by external circumstances.

Medals to defend and improve at the Swedish Championships 2024

If there will be Swedish Championships and Soulthrower Open again this year, the plans are to try to defend my titles there. It won't be easy, I can say. Not least from the latter competition, there are opponents hungry for revenge. Some of them are actually better than me, I firmly claim. But I intend to invite them to a dance anyway. In the same way, I have a great desire to participate in the WC organized by UKAT, which will take place in England later this year. But for it to work, I need both money and time.

Other than that, I'll see how much time I can spend on knife throwing There are also big plans to return to cycling training and it is impossible to escape the fact that both activities require a lot of time.

/ J - the throwoholic

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