torsdag 6 juni 2024

Soulthrower Open 2024

Here we go again. Last year, what will hopefully become a solid Swedish tradition was started, at least for those interested in sports throwing. The knife and ax throwing competition Soulthrower Open in Arboga.

In the premiere year, there were representatives from six nations, some of them quite far away, or how about Australia and the USA? We'll see if it's possible to beat, but in any case, it's a great opportunity to meet like-minded people, have fun, and throw knives and axes.

Family photo of the throwing family from the Soulthrower Open 2023 with representatives from six nations

Then it should be pointed out that EVERYONE is welcome. In this sport, you can find both old and young, ladies and gentlemen and beginners as well as professionals. It's a bit unique. In any case, that they are found in the same place at the same time!

So try a competition and participate in Soulthrower Open 2024!

Are you coming?

I hope that a lot of participants will find the Meken sports ground in Arboga at the end of June. If nothing else, everyone who wants to beat Marcus Pehart, who is not only the king of Swedish throwing but also the reigning champion in rotational throwing. Then you can always mess with me and try to snatch my title from last year in the No Spin discipline!

J - hope to see you in Arboga

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