onsdag 5 juni 2024

New Knife - Brisa PK70FX

Recently, I presented a folding knife whose overall features resembled a puukko. Here we have a knife that takes that concept one step further. Not only is it a knife of the aforementioned type, but it is also a fixed-bladed version of a folding knife! It's also a way to wrap it up.

Finnish Brisa previously had a slip joint called PK70 in the catalog. Now they have chosen to remake that knife with roughly the same dimensions but in a more robust version. It's called PK70FX  , where "FX" of course stands for "Fixed".

Brisa PK70FX

It follows the original fairly faithfully in overall lines, which is reflected in both the handle and blade shape. The length of the blade is also the same, i.e. 70 mm. The thickness is a modest 3 mm and the height is 20 mm. The blade is made in classic Swedish 12C27 and the blade is, as it should in this context, "scandi grind". Anything else would have been strange, but it should be pointed out that they do significantly better with thin blade stock so in this case the edge shines. 

A small fixed-bladed knife with a Scandi grind intended for "EDC use" from Finnish Brisa

The handle is available in different versions, but here it is wood, more specifically bocote screwed in place over a full tang. The knife comes with a simple but well-made leather sheath.

Overall an interesting knife to join my growing group of fixed-blade knives aimed at EDC use more than hunting or the construction site although this one might actually work in those contexts as well.

Brisa Knives

/ J - likes fixed blade...too

#knivesandbikes #knivigtvarre

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